Md .Mojibur Rahman
Position : Web Developer
Publications: as author/co-author: 17original scientific papers*, 3 review articles , 11 abstracts, 4 topics on 4 diseases in a historical year book published by IEDCR, 2 chapters in 2 books, 1 disease survey report and 2 booklets have been published. List are given below: Mohammad Shahidul Islam1*, M. Mojibur Rahman1, Pradip Kumar Sen Gupta1,TurnaTribenee Mithila2. Disease pattern and satisfaction about health care services among patients attending a selected geriatric hospital in Dhaka city. International journal of Scientific Reports, 2023 May; 9(5): 145-152. Rahman MM. Chapter: Mycobacterial diseases (TB and Leprosy). Rashid, Khabir and Hyder’s Text Book of Community Medicine and Public Health; 6th edition, 2022 *Rabeya Sultana1, Mojibur Rahman2, Mahmudur Rahman1. Epidemiology and factors of tuberculosis treatment outcome, Bangladesh, 2012-13. International Journal of Community Med and Public Health. 2022 Jan; 9(1):100-104. *HaqRouseli, Bichha R.P., Uddin Md. Ashraf, ModKPronab Kumar , Rahman Md. Mojibur. Study on challenges in diagnosis of TB and MDR-TB by GeneXpert in Bangladesh. SAARC Journal of Tuberculosis, Lung diseases and HIV/AIDS. Vol. XV, No. 2. year 2017. Banu S, Rahman MT, Ahmed S, Khatun R, Ferdous SS, Hosen B, Rahman MM, Ahmed T, Cavanaugh JS, Heffelfinger JD. Multidrug-resistant Tuberculosis in Bangladesh: results from a sentinel surveillance system. The international Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. 2017 Jan 1;21(1):12-7. *E. Gospodarevskaya, O. Tulloch, C. Bunga, S. Ferdous, A. Jonas, S. Islam, M. Rahman, M. A. Hussain, M.N. Haque, S. Egwaga, E. Gardiner, G. PrayGod, M. A. Islam, G. H. Mann, W. A. Wells, S. B. Squire. Patient costs during tuberculosis treatment in Bangladesh and Tanzania: the potential of shorter regimens. INT J TUBERC LUNG DIS 18(7):810–817. 2014. The Union. Banu S, Rahman MT, Uddin MK, , Khatun R, Khan MS, Rahman MM, Uddin SI, Ahmed T, Heffelfinger JD. Effect of active case finding on prevalence and transmission of pulmonary tuberculosis in Dhaka central jail, Bangladesh. . PloS one. 2015 May 1; 10(5);e0124976. *Banu S, Rahman MT, Uddin MK, , Khatun R, Ahmed T , Rahman MM, Husain MA, Van Leth F. Epidemiology of tuberculosis in an urban slum of Dhaka City, Bangladesh. PloS one. 2013 October 21; 8(10);e77721. Rahman MM. Chapter: Mycobacterial diseases (TB and Leprosy). Rashid, Khabir and Hyder’s Text Book of Community Medicine and Public Health; 5th edition, 2012. Rijal B, Rahman MM. Jha K.K. Quality Assurance of Sputum Smear Microscopy in Private Laboratories in Nepal. SAARC Journal of Tuberculosis, Lung diseases and HIV/AIDS. Vol. III, No. 1. year 2006. *Kashi KanthJha, Lochana Shrestha, Kailash B. Karki, Rano Mal Piryani and Md. M. Rahman. HIV prevalence among diagnosed TB patients- A cross Sectional Study in Nepal. SAARC Journal of Tuberculosis, Lung diseases and HIV/AIDS. Vol. III, No. 1. year 2006. *B.P. Rijal, K.K.Jha, Rano Mal Piryani, M. Rahman, C.N. Paramasivan, A Laszlo and Paul Alexander. First Panel Testing in SAARC Regional Networks of TB reference Laboratories. SAARC Journal of Tuberculosis, Lung diseases and HIV/AIDS. Vol. II, No. 2. year 2005. M.M. Rahman, K. K. Jha, R. M. Piryani, B. P. Rijal. Socio-demographic characteristics of families with and without TB suspects: findings from a community based survey in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. SAARC Journal of Tuberculosis, Lung diseases and HIV/AIDS. Vol. II, No. 1. year 2005. R. M. Samaratunga, D.S. Bam , R. M. Piryani, Md. M Rahman, B. P. RijalGender Issue in TB Control- SAARC Region. SAARC Journal of Tuberculosis, Lung diseases and HIV/AIDS. Vol. I, No. 1. year 2004. *Md. AminulHaqueBhuyan, NazmaShaheen, Md. Akhtaruzzaman, ShamsunNahar, Shah Md. Mahfuzur Rahman, Md. Abdul Wahed and Md. Mojibur Rahman. Nutritional Status and Biochemical Profile of Under- five Children of Slum Areas of Dhaka City. Northern Medical journal, 2003; 12(1): 17-29. Rahman MM. Chapter 13: Immunological Products and Vaccines. Bangladesh National Formulary (BDNF), 2001, Published by Directorate of Drug Administration, BangladeshMedical Association and Bangladesh Pharmaceutical Society, P- 299-316.